Now With one more interesting BLOOD RELATION...


Study the following information carefully to answer these questions
A$B means A is wife of B .
A#B means A is son of B.
A%B means A is father of B.
A*B means A is sister of B.

Q1. Which of the following expression represents the relationship that T is brother of H?
1.       H*T%K                   
2.       T*H%K
3.       H#K%T
4.       H*K%T
5.       None of these
Q2. In H*T#%L, how H related to T?
1.       Cousin
2.       Brother
3.       Sister
4.       Can not be determined
5.       None of these

Q3. Which of the following expression represent the relationship ‘R is mother of J’?
1.       M*J#K$R
2.       M*J#R$K
3.       J#R#T
4.       R$K%M$J
5.       None of these

1.  (1)
2.   (3)

3.   (2)

I      In this post I am also providing you the answer of question which may be more useful for you..

     Lets try youself some question:

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