ALL ABOUT GOD

 Why I Believe in God
Why I Believe in God - A Believer’s Answer to an Atheist
What is it with the atheists these days? Lately I’ve read a lot of web articles written by angry atheists including many news articles about those
 crazy Christians and what superstitious fools they are, and that science has proven there is no God and Darwin was right and blah, blah, blah, ad infinitum, ad nauseum. 

Well I disagree with them all. I am a
 theist, the opposite of an atheist. I am one who believes in the Divine, who believes that all of life in its magnificence, beauty, splendor, wonder, and its finely tuned order is by design. And where you have intelligent design, isn’t it reasonable to assume that there is an intelligent designer? I believe it is and I believe that designer to be God -- the God of the entire universe and everything in it, including us. 


Creationists are men and women who share a belief in God and a conviction that He created us and the world in which we live. Creation science, in its most general sense, is an effort to apply the scientific method to discover how God created the Heavens and the Earth. 

Science is the human endeavor to discover truths about the world around us. Scientists seek out answers through observation and experimentation. As we discover more and more, we are able to apply what we've learned to develop new technologies and to improve everyday life. But perhaps more importantly, as we gain knowledge through science, we are able to begin satisfying our deep-felt need to know more about ourselves. 


How do you change a life that is completely out of control? How would your life be impacted by a life-threatening illness? Can you recover from devastation? 


All of us long to connect with someone who can identify with our circumstances and share in our day-to-day life. Prayer is just that - a personal experience and intimate connection with our loving Heavenly Father. 

May the following articles and practical advice help you develop the moment-by-moment prayer life that God desires for you to experience. 1 John 5:14-15 says, "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us - whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked of Him."


Have you ever wondered Why there are so many religions? Do they all point to the same God and eternal destination or not? How do I know which belief system is true and compared to all the others? Discover the origin of religion and learn the basics regarding many of the religions around the globe so you can choose your path wisely. 

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