Perspective brings an understanding of the importance of things around us. It's our perspective that can help us to look the good or bad in a situation.

Like every coin has two sides, there are two sides to a story too...Everything depends on which side of the story we want to believe in..even a room looks different from different positions.

Albert Einstein said,"Problems can not be solved by the same level of thinking that created them."
A problem becomes problem when you believe it to be so...

Everyone has a right to have an opinion but that does not become a fact.

Many of us have heard this simple saying,'BEAUTY LIES IN THE EYES OF BEHOLDING'- this is one of the best examples of perspective.

What one consider as ordinary could be extraordinary for another....what we see is a perspective not the truth;to get to the truth we need to broaden our perspective. It's like the glass half empty or half full...

We all are victims of circumstances and each one of has to face them and fight our own battles,so before we form an opinion it's important to go through them or put yourself in other person's shoes and get through it. We cannot lend our minds or our eyes but we can acclimatize our perceptions to see how other people feel.

I believe that perception and how you react to a situation changes everything.....

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