Strandbeest Evolution ( Mechanically Evolving Creatures ) by Theo Jansen

Theo Jansen was born in 1948, Scheveningen in the Netherlands. Theo Jansen grew up with knack for both physics and art and goes to study physics in the University of Delft. While doing many projects at Delft that involved both art en technology including a paint machine and a UFO, in 1990 he starts what he is known for today: building large animals out of PVC that are able to live on their own. His animated works are a fusion of art and engineering; in a car company (BMW) television commercial Jansen says: "The walls between art and engineering exist only in our minds." He strives to equip his creations with their own artificial intelligence so they can avoid obstacles by changing course when one is detected, such as the sea itself.


Theo Jansen has been creating wind-walking examples of artificial life since 1990. What was at first a rudimentary breed has slowly evolved into a generation of machines that are able to react to their environment: "over time, these skeletons have become increasingly better at surviving the elements such as storms and water, and eventually I want to put these animals out in herds on the beaches, so they will live their own lives."

Constructed as intricate assemblages of piping, wood, and wing-like sails, Jansen's creatures are constantly evolving and have become excellently adapted to their sandy beach environment. The creatures sport legs, which "prove to be more efficient on sand than wheels...they don't need to touch every inch of the ground along the way, as a wheel has to".

The creatures are also able to store air pressure and use it to drive them in the absence of wind: "Self-propelling beach animals like Animaris Percipiere have a stomach. This consists of recycled plastic bottles containing air, that can be pumped up to a high pressure by the wind." Theo's more sophisticated creations are able to detect once they have entered water and walk away from it, and one species will even anchor itself to the earth if it senses a storm approaching.

Since 1990 Theo Jansen has been occupied with the making of a new nature. Not pollen or seeds but plastic yellow tubes are used as the basic material of this new nature. He makes skeletons which are able to walk on the wind. Eventually he wants to put these animals out in herds on the beaches, so they will live their own lives.

DO WATCH THESE VIDEOS TOO .IT is worth watching

Walking cycle theo jansen mechanism


Theo Jansen Mechanism Explained via animation in Blender :

Official Website of Strandbeest

University of Michigan Presentation by Theo Jansen

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