Illusion of Life

How we pass from youth to old age is something we never realise .Youth is the dream of life or we can say the illusion of life.
Some dreams are fulfilled,some change,and some are forgotten.Adjusting,competing,struggling.running behind deadlines;trying fill all the things at the same time without thinking and realising that are we doing what we want?,does it making any worth in my life..?still we are running ,competing and moving on.
but the day comes where there is nothing to achieve,when you will have nowhere to go,when you will look back and see that you are a winner,you will praise yourself,you will feel proudy..but will you be contended..??as you will be alone at that height without your family,without your friends.
The euphoria of this success is short-lived.You may have made lots of money but you can't take it with you.
So why not enjoy this time..???
Enjoy the sunsets and sunrises,nature at its best.Because ,the time when you will reach the sunset of your life  you will be happy and contended.
When I die ,I do not want people remember me .I want people to miss me...
Nothing else..

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