Exam stress  buster techniques

Exam stress buster techniques

                              Exam stress  buster techniques 

school is packed with potential stressors — everything from penning research papers to giving presentations to taking final exams. Plus, if you’re away at college, you have the added stress of being on your own and navigating a slew of unfamiliar places and situations.
While stress is inevitable for students, it doesn’t have to bulldoze your life or affect your academic performance.
Below, Kathryn Tristan, a research scientist on the faculty of the Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, shares five tips for helping students like you to have a lower-stress semester.
1. Think positive possibilities, not catastrophes.
“The least helpful way we worry and stress out is by imagining the worst possible disaster might happen,” said Tristan, also author of the book Why Worry? Stop Coping and Start Living. She calls this “terribilizing.” One negative thought leads to another, and before you know it, you’re visualizing all the ways you’re going to fail the exam and fail at life.
It might start with this kind of thought: “I have to ace this test or it will be awful.” Then “your mind responds to this perceived threat and constructs many dire outcomes such as if you don’t get an ‘A,’ you’ll never get into grad school and then you’ll have only jobs that pay minimum wage, and then you’ll never be able to pay back your student debt [and so on].”
A better approach is to “possibilize,” she said. In other words, let your mind feast on positive outcomes. So your self-talk might sound like this: “This is only one test, and all I can do is prepare and do my best. Perhaps I need more help or tutoring. It’s OK to feel anxious. I’ll just study more. Some stress is good because it will motivate me to try harder. I always do the best I can.”
(Also helpful, according to Tristan, is simply saying to yourself and your thoughts: “Stop.”)
It takes effort to recognize when your thoughts have swerved off the rails, turning into one big negative loop. But with practice, you’ll be able to catch yourself and focus on being productive instead of paralyzed by catastrophic thoughts. Because here’s the reality: Most of our worries never even happen. And when bad things do occur, most people say “they handled it better than they thought they would.”
2. Focus on study strategies that work.
There’s nothing more stressful than cramming the night before a final exam. It’s overwhelming and virtually impossible to absorb all the information. Plus, you rarely sleep enough, sabotaging your ability to concentrate and think clearly the next day.
That’s why it’s helpful to “break down large projects into several smaller tasks,” Tristan said. Keep a planner, and set deadlines for each task.
It’s also critical to study smart. For instance, some research has found that common study habits such as rereading and highlighting actually aren’t that effective. But taking practice tests and studying over time is effective. (Learn more about highly effective study habits.)
3. Get moving.
“Moving is a natural way to clear blocked, stressed out energy,” Tristan said. It boosts your mood, reduces anxiety and helps you think more clearly. Pick activities that you genuinely enjoy, such as walking, running, dancing or taking group classes at the gym.
4. Nourish your brain and body.
We often forget the power of nutrient-rich foods, especially when we’re overwhelmed and pressed for time. Food has a great effect on our mood, energy level and ability to concentrate.
Tristan suggested adding the following foods to your diet: “oatmeal, fruits, vegetables, low-fat yogurt, lean meat, nuts, milk and eggs. When you have trouble sleeping, add such things as bananas, milk or turkey — sources of tryptophan, a building block for the neurotransmitter serotonin — cherries — a source of sleep-inducing melatonin — and chamomile tea — used for centuries to relax.”
5. Tune into the present.
Instead of rehashing the past or forecasting an awful future, focus on the present moment. Tristan suggested asking yourself these key questions several times a day.
  • “What do I see?” This helps you get grounded and interrupts stressful thoughts.
  • “What do I hear?” This helps you “focus on other things in your life.”
  • “Am I feeling stressed?” Learning to recognize when you’re stressed or anxious is the first step in doing something (healthy) about it.
  • “How can I change that?” Pick a healthy way to manage your stress (such as any of the above.)
Tristan also recommended taking four deep breaths. “Stressed out, shallow breathing is automatic, and you can take charge and do diaphragmatic or belly breathing to restore a sense of calm.” (Here’s more on diaphragmatic breathing.)
Stress can sabotage your studying efforts and affect other areas of your life. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to. By learning healthy coping strategies, you can traverse stressful situations without wrecking your well-being.


Have you believe in GOD?????
Or there is only science which control this whole world????

Here is a small story which show argument of student with his professor
and his professor was not a local man
He is one of the greatest scientist ..
So have a look........


If anyone ask me about that then my answer will be YES there is a GOD.And according to me science also believe that there is some natural power which control this whole world.

And please also comment your view on this topic.
I want to know your opinion .

Strandbeest Evolution ( Mechanically Evolving Creatures ) by Theo Jansen

Theo Jansen was born in 1948, Scheveningen in the Netherlands. Theo Jansen grew up with knack for both physics and art and goes to study physics in the University of Delft. While doing many projects at Delft that involved both art en technology including a paint machine and a UFO, in 1990 he starts what he is known for today: building large animals out of PVC that are able to live on their own. His animated works are a fusion of art and engineering; in a car company (BMW) television commercial Jansen says: "The walls between art and engineering exist only in our minds." He strives to equip his creations with their own artificial intelligence so they can avoid obstacles by changing course when one is detected, such as the sea itself.


Theo Jansen has been creating wind-walking examples of artificial life since 1990. What was at first a rudimentary breed has slowly evolved into a generation of machines that are able to react to their environment: "over time, these skeletons have become increasingly better at surviving the elements such as storms and water, and eventually I want to put these animals out in herds on the beaches, so they will live their own lives."

Constructed as intricate assemblages of piping, wood, and wing-like sails, Jansen's creatures are constantly evolving and have become excellently adapted to their sandy beach environment. The creatures sport legs, which "prove to be more efficient on sand than wheels...they don't need to touch every inch of the ground along the way, as a wheel has to".

The creatures are also able to store air pressure and use it to drive them in the absence of wind: "Self-propelling beach animals like Animaris Percipiere have a stomach. This consists of recycled plastic bottles containing air, that can be pumped up to a high pressure by the wind." Theo's more sophisticated creations are able to detect once they have entered water and walk away from it, and one species will even anchor itself to the earth if it senses a storm approaching.

Since 1990 Theo Jansen has been occupied with the making of a new nature. Not pollen or seeds but plastic yellow tubes are used as the basic material of this new nature. He makes skeletons which are able to walk on the wind. Eventually he wants to put these animals out in herds on the beaches, so they will live their own lives.

DO WATCH THESE VIDEOS TOO .IT is worth watching

Walking cycle theo jansen mechanism


Theo Jansen Mechanism Explained via animation in Blender :

Official Website of Strandbeest

University of Michigan Presentation by Theo Jansen

Facebook announce new initiatives to improve internet services

After India said 'no' to Free Basics and opted for net neutrality recently, the social networking giant Facebook has unveiled two new initiatives to improve internet services for the rural population in the developing countries, including India.

Announced at its two-day annual ‘F8 conference in San Francisco, US’  The Antenna Radio Integration for Efficiency in Spectrum (ARIES) system will boost speed, efficiency and quality of internet connectivity in remote areas in the developing countries.

ARIES -- a base station with 96 antennas that can support 24 devices or streams simultaneously over the same radio spectrum -- can cover more users across large, rural areas by using multiple transmitters and receivers.
The ARIES will demonstrate a 10x spectral and energy efficiency gain over typical 4G.

By open sourcing its wireless hardware, 
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said
"We stand for connecting every person, for a global community, for bringing people together, for giving everyone a voice,Our lives are connected, and I hope that we have the courage to see that the path forward is to bring people together."

Facebook also launched Terragraph -- a 60GHz wireless system aimed at bringing high-speed internet to dense urban areas around the globe. Facebook is currently testing the system at its headquarters and plans to test the system soon in the city of San Jose, California.
Jay Parikh, Facebook's vice president of engineering, said that developed economies tend to be hampered by WiFi and 4G/LTE infrastructure that cannot keep up with users' consumption of photos and video at higher resolutions.

Some of the initiatives by Facebook such as optical fibre which can provide hundreds of megabits up to several gigabits of capacity but are very expensive for most countries to afford.

Object Oriented Programming Practicals

Object Oriented Programming Practicals

Object Oriented Programming Practicals:

P1  : Multiplication of Matrix.
P2  : Add two complex Number.
P3  : Largest Number using Friend.
P4  : Count No. of object created or deleted.
P5  : Concatenation of two string.
P6  : Inheritance.
P7  : Virtual Base Class.
P8  : Operator Overloading (Unary and Binary).
P9  : Operator Overloading.
P10: Virtual Function.
P11: Templates.

Click Here:

Unary and Binary Operator Overloading

Unary and Binary Operator Overloading

 Program for Operator Overloading.

      1.     Unary Operator Overloading:

using namespace std;

class INC
    int a , b, c;
    INC(int a1 , int b1, int c1)

    void operator ++ ()

    void show()
        cout<<"\nValues after Increment : ";

int main()
    INC A(1,2,3) , B(11,22,33);



English is a language which is formed by combination of HINDI and PARSI language.
I have some examples that prove it.

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सिल अंत 
इसके मुंह को सिल दो तब इसका बोलना अंत होगा ।

नेक नेक करके जो रोग अनेकों वर्षों में भयानक रोग बन जाता है उसे क्रोनिक रोग कहते हैं।करो निक 
लम्बे समय में बना रोग  = दीर्घकालिक रोग = क्रोनिक डिजीज 
क्रोनिक रोगों में आयुर्वेद लाभ देता है। किन्तु आयुर्वेद के सिद्धांत ग्रहण करने पड़ते हैं तब लाभ देता है अर्थात थोडा आयुर्वेद सीखना पड़ता है।

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दी सही पाले आईने 
सही की पालना करना सिखाया =अनुशासन

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आत अति तोड़े 
व्यवहार में आती अति को तोड़ो

ca pa city 
खा पा सही ते 
सही से कितना खा सकते हो ।खा पाने की सीमा किती आहे

ca pa ble
कहा पा वाले 
कहके पाने वाले
हाँ मैं पा के दिखाऊंगा

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अंदर आना सही 
enter अंदर

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आये मर जानसे
वो जान से मरा जा रहा है शीघ्रता करो

वो मरा जा रहा है उसपर करुणा दया करो

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आनी माया
लोगों के बीच माया आई और वे शत्रु हुए

I will come up with more proves related to this in my future post.
so, If you really like this post. 
Like It And Share It. 




class student
 protected: int rollno;
 public: void get_no();
           void put_no();
void student::get_no()
 cout<<"\n enter the roll no  :";
void student::put_no()
 cout<<"\n roll no is  :"<<rollno;

class test :virtual public student
 protected: float sub1,sub2;
 public: void get_marks();
           void put_marks();
void test:: get_marks()
 cout<<"\n enter the marks in two subjects  :";
void test:: put_marks()
 cout<<"\n marks in sub1  :"<<sub1;
 cout<<"\n marks in sub2  :"<<sub2;
class sports:public virtual student
 protected: float score;
 public: void get_score()
             cout<<"\n enter the score  :";
           void put_score()
            cout<<"\n sports score  :"<<score;


class result: public test,public sports
 float total;
 public: void display();
void result:: display()
 cout<<"\n total= "<<total;
void main()
 result student1;



Illusion of Life

Illusion of Life

How we pass from youth to old age is something we never realise .Youth is the dream of life or we can say the illusion of life.
Some dreams are fulfilled,some change,and some are forgotten.Adjusting,competing,struggling.running behind deadlines;trying fill all the things at the same time without thinking and realising that are we doing what we want?,does it making any worth in my life..?still we are running ,competing and moving on.
but the day comes where there is nothing to achieve,when you will have nowhere to go,when you will look back and see that you are a winner,you will praise yourself,you will feel proudy..but will you be contended..??as you will be alone at that height without your family,without your friends.
The euphoria of this success is short-lived.You may have made lots of money but you can't take it with you.
So why not enjoy this time..???
Enjoy the sunsets and sunrises,nature at its best.Because ,the time when you will reach the sunset of your life  you will be happy and contended.
When I die ,I do not want people remember me .I want people to miss me...
Nothing else..

iOS Operating System

iOS(originally iphone iOS) is a mobile operating system that was created and developed by Apple Inc. 
It is the second most popular mobile operating system by sales after Andriod.

It has been written in C,C++,Objective-C and Swift languages.
Its user interface is based on direct manipulation and multi-touch gestures.
The operating system was divulge in the year 2007 with iphone.


Siri is a personal assistant and knowledge navigator software which works as an application.
The service is directed by the user's spoken commands, can do a variety of different tasks,such as call or text someone,open an app,search on the web,look sports info,find directions or locations, and general knowledge questions.

Environment Setup for Hadoop Installation. (Tutorial 4)

Hadoop - Environment Setup for Hadoop Installation.

Hadoop is supported by Linux System So We install the Linux System.
If you are using other than linux , then download the VirtualBox software in it and install linux in virtual box.

We need to set up linux using ssh i.e. Secure Shell So folow the given Steps:

Step 1: Creating Different User for Hadoop.

Create the seperate user for hadoop to isolate Hadoop file System from Unix file System.

>> Open the root using "su".
>> Create new user from root account using command "useradd <username>".
>> Now you can open the exixting user using the command "su <username>".

Example :

Step 2: Key Generation and SSH Setup.

It is required to do different operations such as starting , stopping on a cluster . To authenticate different user of Hadoop , iy=t is required to provide public/private key pair for a Hadoop user and share it with different users.

Commands are used for generating a key value pair:
>> Copy the Public key from id_rsa.pub to authrazed_keys,
>> Provide the owner with read and write permissions.


Step 3: Installing the Java.

Java is the main prerequisite for Hadoop . Follows the given Step to install Java.

1. Download the JDK Latest Version (Click Here for jump JDK download )

2. Extract the JDK latest version using the following Command


3. Change the location to "/usr/local/". so that it is available for all users. 

4. Now set the PATH and JAVA_HOME variables.

   Now aplly all changes into the current running System.

>> $ source ~/.bashrc.

5. Use the given commands to configure java alternatives:

6. Now Verify the Java - Version  using command java version.

All Requirements for Hadoop Installation are Done.

Links to Tutorial 1. http://firstengineer1.blogspot.in/2016/03/introduction-to-hadoop.html
2. http://firstengineer1.blogspot.in/2016/03/lets-start-with-hadoop.html
3. http://firstengineer1.blogspot.in/2016/04/how-does-hadoop-work-tutorial-3.html

Apple iPhone SE

           Apple iPhone SE first impressions:
                    10 things to know

The new iPhone SE goes on sale in India starting this Friday (April 8) at a starting price of Rs 39,000 for the base model. The phone's pricing has received criticism in the Indian market, with many smartphone enthusiasts finding the price high for a small-screen phone.

For someone using a 5-inch or 5.5-inch smartphone, the iPhone SE may appear to be ridiculously small to use. They may find it difficult to type texts or read something on it. However, the 4-inch form factor may be perfect to use for older iPhone 4, 4S, 5 or 5S users.

With iPhone SE, Apple is back to its trademark iPhone design. It looks similar to the older models but is lightweight at 113 gram. The iPhone SE is available in Space Gray, Silver, Gold and Rose Gold colour options.

The display quality is as good as iPhone 6S which Apple launched last September.

The iPhone SE comes in 16- and 64GB storage formats and cannot be expandable. It runs on Apple A9 chipset with 2GB RAM. The hardware specs are similar to that of the bigger iPhone 6S.

iPhone SE comes with the latest version of Apple's mobile operating system, iOS 9.3. The new update makes iOS more productive.

Sticking to Apple's promise of providing better performance in a smaller form factor, the iPhone SE is delightfully smooth. Heavy games like Asphalt 8: Airborne ran without any hiccups. For those using older iPhones, the new SE model will be an upgrade on the performance front.

The iPhone SE comes with a 12MP, f/2.2 29mm, phase detection A/F rear camera with dual LED Flash. While the camera is fast, the results are not something to boasts of, especially under low light conditions. There is support for 4K video recording too.

The 1.2MP front camera is capable of delivering decent selfies under good lighting. It comes with Retina Flash (like in iPhone 6S and 6S Plus). The front camera also supports bursts mode.

The smaller iPhone SE comes with trademark fingerprint sensor integrated with the round home button. However, there is no 3D Touch support in the new version. iPhone SE supports company's mobile wallet system Apple Pay, but has little utility in India.

Apple iPhone SE is reportedly powered by a 1,624mAh battery. The smaller screen ensures better battery life than bigger 6S models which also runs A9 chip. Apple claims up to 13 hours of LTE or Wi-Fi, and 12 hours of 3G.

The Cubli: a cube that can jump up, balance, and 'walk' by its own.

The Cubli is a 15 × 15 × 15 cm cube that can jump up and balance on its corner. Reaction wheels mounted on three faces of the cube rotate at high angular velocities and then brake suddenly, causing the Cubli to jump up.

Once the Cubli has almost reached the corner stand up position, controlled motor torques are applied to make it balance on its corner. In addition to balancing, the motor torques can also be used to achieve a controlled fall such that the Cubli can be commanded to fall in any arbitrary direction. Combining these three abilities -- jumping up, balancing, and controlled falling -- the Cubli is able to 'walk'.   


This work was done at the Institute for Dynamic Systems and Control, ETH Zurich, Switzerland and was funded in part by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), grant number 146717.

want to know more visit:: http://www.idsc.ethz.ch/research-dandrea/research-projects/cubli.html#


This spring, Google is introducing the self-driving bicycle in Amsterdam, the world’s premier cycling city. 

The Dutch cycle more than any other nation in the world, almost 900 kilometres per year per person, amounting to over 15 billion kilometres annually. The self-driving bicycle enables safe navigation through the city for Amsterdam residents, and furthers Google’s ambition to improve urban mobility with technology. Google Netherlands takes enormous pride in the fact that a Dutch team worked on this innovation that will have great impact in their home country.

Actually it is not as it is shown in the video above but yet is a great IDEA.
See how this "video was made" at
and you will get to know what i am talking about yeah it is about "APRIL FOOL DAY".
How Does Hadoop Work? (Tutorial 3)

How Does Hadoop Work? (Tutorial 3)

How Does Hadoop Work?

Stage 1

A user/application can submit a job to the Hadoop (a hadoop job client) for required process by specifying the following items:
  1. The location of the input and output files in the distributed file system.
  2. The java classes in the form of jar file containing the implementation of map and reduce functions.
  3. The job configuration by setting different parameters specific to the job.

Stage 2

The Hadoop job client then submits the job (jar/executable etc) and configuration to the JobTracker which then assumes the responsibility of distributing the software/configuration to the slaves, scheduling tasks and monitoring them, providing status and diagnostic information to the job-client.

Stage 3

The TaskTrackers on different nodes execute the task as per MapReduce implementation and output of the reduce function is stored into the output files on the file system.

Advantages of Hadoop

  • Hadoop framework allows the user to quickly write and test distributed systems. It is efficient, and it automatic distributes the data and work across the machines and in turn, utilizes the underlying parallelism of the CPU cores.
  • Hadoop does not rely on hardware to provide fault-tolerance and high availability (FTHA), rather Hadoop library itself has been designed to detect and handle failures at the application layer.
  • Servers can be added or removed from the cluster dynamically and Hadoop continues to operate without interruption.
  • Another big advantage of Hadoop is that apart from being open source, it is compatible on all the platforms since it is Java based.




consider the following code:-

    <title>my first website</title>
   <p>visit me at <a href="......". target="-blank">my website</a>. <p>



after href in "" you must add the link of the webpage you want to connect with. and after target in the "" mark if you write _blank then the link will be opened in a new tab if you leave it blank then the link will be opened in the same tab. this will allow you to connect two or more pages together




consider the following code:-

    <title>my first website</title>
    <p> hard work is the key to success </p>


comments on code:-

the result of above code will be same as the result without blockquote tag. but we use blockquote tag so that we can use the styling for further decoration. and it helps the user during viewing the source code to understand that, actually it is a blockquote.. we will learn styling in further classes.. thank you
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