Nine tips for young men:
#1 for Sharp-Dressed Young Men: Dress Your Footwear Up
Starting from the ground up, appropriate-fitting footwear is the first step to dressing sharp.
A traditional school of thought that’s still alive and well claims you can judge a man by his shoes.
If you’ve never owned really good shoes before, brace yourself and get ready to pay a significant amount of money for well-made, classic footwear.
You may be shocked at the sticker price for well-crafted shoes, but the quality and comfort pay dividends down the road.
good pair of dress shoes will last you years and stay good-looking with nothing more than some light cleaning and the occasional shine.
Quality leather footwear isn’t a luxury for the excessively rich — it’s a necessity for any man.
Mark Zuckerberg’s not hurting for cash, but it’s still hard to see him as a grown-up in jeans and performance fleece.
Tip #2 for Sharp-Dressed Young Men: Dress to Look OlderThe way you dress is the way you are perceived.
If you’re still wearing clothes that scream “student days” you’re going to be treated like a boy with no experience in the real world.
Buck the trend, age your look a little, and get the respect you deserve from older men.
That means raiding your wardrobe and getting rid of the majority of your ultra-casual clothes: T-shirts, cargo pants, jean shorts, sweatshirts and sweatpants, baseball hats, and athletics.
Save a few for yardwork and exercise — but donate the rest of it to charity and start replacing it with dressier clothes that speak to your maturity.
Models get paid to make goofy clothes seem reasonable. Don’t fall for it.
Tip #3 for Sharp-Dressed Young Men: Ignore Fashion Trends.
Main-stream fashion trends change too fast to make useful wardrobe staples.
Most young men don’t have the budget to buy new pants every month or two — so stay away from pants that are only presentable during an “in” season.
Distressed or bleached jeans are a great example; several different designer labels briefly managed to sell the image on the public, and then the fad changed and left a lot of people with very expensive jeans too beat-up to wear in public.
Stick to classic clothing staples for the core of your wardobe and avoid anything that’s too far out on the cutting edge — even if you see something that makes it look good.
A good hanger is way cheaper than a new suit. Spring for it.
Tip #4 for Sharp-Dressed Young Men: Take Care of Your Clothing.
Generally speaking, being young means having less money to throw around.
If you’ve shelled out for a few pieces of good, quality clothing — a custom suit, a pair of expensive dress shoes, what have you — it’s worth a few bucks more to keep the clothes in good shape.
That means using good hangers for your suits, shoe trees for your shoes, and a little tender loving care with the washing machine.
Some of your clothes can come from thrift shops, if you’re lucky enough to have a reasonably common body type and some well-to-do neighborhoods nearby.
A few adjustments from a tailor can turn a five dollar thrift-store suit into your dress wardrobe staple. Just take care of it and protect your bigger investments with some proper maintenance.
Tip #5 for Sharp-Dressed Young Men: Have at Least One Good Suit in the ClosetSuit
SuitNo matter what your job is, you’re going to need a decent suit at some point.
If you’re in a field where you’re going to wear one regularly you should look for a variety of colors and styles; if you just need a single suit for infrequent dress occasions stick with a classic single-breasted, two-button suit in charcoal gray or navy blue.
If you’re buying off the rack take the time to have the suit adjusted.
A few department stores still offer the service, but you’ll more than likely need to find a tailor independently.
It’s worth the effort — sized suits are made to general measurements, and not all of them are going to be a perfect fit for you. A good tailor can make the small changes that take your suit from looking mediocre to perfect for you.
Men's dress shirtTip #6 for Sharp-Dressed Young Men: Build from White and Blue ShirtsSuit
White and light blue cotton dress shirts are the backbone to a sharp wardrobe.
Much of this lies in the fact both of these colors make up approximately 90% of the dress shirts sold worldwide and that either color looks good on most complexions and body types.
Being so popular, these shirt fabrics are also available in a wide range of style and sizes anywhere int he world, making acquisition at a value price likely for the man on the lookout for sales and discounts.
Patterns can liven up the basic white and blue color palette, and there’s nothing wrong with branching out into some other colors as your personal style evolves. Just have a good core of white and blue dress shirts.
As long as you have one clean and hanging up in the closet, you’ll never be completely out of decent-looking things to wear.

JeansTip #7 for Sharp-Dressed Young Men: Own Dark Fitted Jeans & Know When to Wear ThemJeans
Jean styles are always changing: rips, tears, acid and bleach washing, distressed, stone washed, boot cut, wide leg, low rise, skinny; baggy.
Keep it simple with and stick to fitted jeans in a dark color, sans fading or rips.
You can wear them with a fitted T-shirt for a relaxed, casual look or dress them up with a buttoned shirt and a sport coat for a business-casual style.

SlacksTip #8 for Sharp-Dressed Men: Look beyond DenimSlacks
Well cut and classically styled trousers will make you look a little sharper at social occasions than jeans.
They’re less common in a young crowd, so you’ll already be standing out, and a good pair of slacks has a drape and crease that looks much crisper than denim.
You can also get wool or cotton trousers much lighter than blue jeans, which is a blessing in any kind of warm weather.
Tip # 9 for Sharp-Dressed Young Men: Replace T-shirts with Polos and Sport Shirts
Wearing T-shirts to the gym or when you are performing house chores is fine.
But wearing T-shirts to social events or to work is a no-no, especially when the shirt is too big and made from a shoddy fabric advertising the company who gave it to you a decade ago.
A good polo in a simple, dark color is always presentable and always flattering if it’s fitted well.
You can also opt for buttoned short-sleeved shirts in the summer, ranging from Carhartt work shirts toseersucker dress shirts. If you do wear a T-shirt, make sure it’s new, clean, close-fitted and in a solid, dark color.
Like the list? Got a tip of your own for young men? If so, leave a comment in the comment box below and help strengthen the community of sharply-dressed men!
search for the god particle

search for the god particle

God Particle Lead If 

At the Heart of All Matter

The hunt for the God particle

you were to dig a hole 300 feet straight down from the center of the charming French village of Crozet, you’d pop into a setting that calls to mind the subterranean lair of one of those James Bond villains. A garishly lit tunnel ten feet in diameter curves away into the distance, interrupted every few miles by lofty chambers crammed with heavy steel structures, cables, pipes, wires, magnets, tubes, shafts, catwalks, and enigmatic gizmos.
This technological netherworld is one very big scientific instrument, specifically, a particle accelerator-an atomic peashooter more powerful than any ever built. It’s called the Large Hadron Collider, and its purpose is simple but ambitious: to crack the code of the physical world; to figure out what the universe is made of; in other words, to get to the very bottom of things.
Starting sometime in the coming months, two beams of particles will race in opposite directions around the tunnel, which forms an underground ring 17 miles in circumference. The particles will be guided by more than a thousand cylindrical, supercooled magnets, linked like sausages. At four locations the beams will converge, sending the particles crashing into each other at nearly the speed of light. If all goes right, matter will be transformed by the violent collisions into wads of energy, which will in turn condense back into various intriguing types of particles, some of them never seen before. That’s the essence of experimental particle physics: You smash stuff together and see what other stuff comes out.
Those masses of equipment spaced along the tunnel will scrutinize the spray from the collisions. The largest, ATLAS, has a detector that’s seven stories tall. The heaviest, CMS (for Compact Muon Solenoid), is heftier than the Eiffel Tower. “Bigger is better if you’re searching for smaller” could be the motto at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, better known by its historic acronym CERN, the international laboratory that houses the Large Hadron Collider.
It sounds scary, and it is. Building the LHC in a tunnel was a prudent move. The particle beam could drill a hole in just about anything, although the most likely victim would be the apparatus itself. One minor calamity has already happened: A magnet all but jumped out of its skin during a test in March 2007. Since then 24 magnets have been retrofitted to fix a design flaw. The people running the LHC aren’t in a rush to talk about all the things that can go wrong, perhaps because the public has a way of worrying that mad scientists will accidentally create a black hole that devours the Earth.
The more plausible fear is that the collider will fail to find the things that physicists insist must be lurking in the deep substrate of reality. Such a big machine needs to produce big science, big answers, something that can generate a headline as well as interesting particles. But even an endeavor of this scale isn’t going to answer all the important questions of matter and energy. Not a chance. This is because a century of particle physics has given us a fundamental truth: Reality doesn’t reveal its secrets easily.
Put it this way: The universe is a tough nut to crack.
Go back a little more than a century to the late 1800s, and look at the field of physics: a mature science, and rather complacent. There were those who believed there wasn’t much more to do than smooth out some rough edges in nature’s plan. There was a sensible order to things, a clockwork universe governed by Newtonian forces, with atoms as the foundation of matter. Atoms were indivisible by definition—the word comes from the Greek for “uncuttable.”
But then strange things started popping up in laboratories: x-rays, gamma rays, a mysterious phenomenon called radioactivity. Physicist J. J. Thomson discovered the electron. Atoms were not indivisible after all, but had constituents. Was it, as Thomson believed, a pudding, with electrons embedded like raisins? No. In 1911 physicist Ernest Rutherford announced that atoms are mostly empty space, their mass concentrated in a tiny nucleus orbited by electrons.
Physics underwent one revolution after another. Einstein’s special theory of relativity (1905) begat the general theory of relativity (1915), and suddenly even such reliable concepts as absolute space and absolute time had been discarded in favor of a mind-boggling space-time fabric in which two events can never be said to be simultaneous. Matter bends space; space directs how matter moves. Light is both a particle and a wave. Energy and mass are inter- changeable. Reality is probabilistic and not deterministic: Einstein didn’t believe that God plays dice with the universe, but that became the scientific orthodoxy.
By the early 1930s Ernest Lawrence had invented the first circular particle accelerator, or “cyclotron.” It fit in his hand.
Now the U.S. government has an accelerator that’s hidden beneath several square miles of tallgrass prairie and a small herd of buffalo at its Fermilab facility west of Chicago. When you drive on the Junipero Serra freeway near Palo Alto, California, you pass directly over a two-mile linear accelerator. The LHC crosses the border between two countries. There are still physicists who do tabletop physics—who try to get big answers with modest means—but realistically you need huge, powerful, energetic devices to pry open the fabric of reality.
We know things today that Einstein, Rutherford, Max Planck, Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, and the rest of the great physicists of a century ago couldn’t have imagined. But we’re nowhere near a final theory of physical reality. Molecules are made of atoms; atoms are made of particles called protons, neutrons, and electrons; protons and neutrons (which are the “hadrons” that give the collider its name) are made of odd things called quarks and gluons—but already we’re into a fuzzy zone. Are quarks fundamental particles, or made of something smaller yet? Electrons are believed to be fundamental, but you wouldn’t want to bet your life on it.
Still, theoretical physicists crave simplicity. They’d like to have a model of reality that snaps together neatly. Their standard model, developed in the 1960s and 1970s, is widely viewed as unwieldy, like a contraption with too many loose ends and knobs and dangling bits. It includes 57 fundamental particles, with no rhyme or reason to many of the numbers describing how the particles interact. “We had a theory that started out really beautiful and elegant,” says Joe Lykken, a theorist at Fermilab, “and then someone beat on it and made it really ugly.”
The standard model can’t explain several towering mysteries about the universe that have their roots in the minuscule world of particles and forces. If there’s one truly extraordinary concept to emerge from the past century of inquiry, it’s that the cosmos we see was once smaller than an atom. This is why particle physicists talk about cosmology and cosmologists talk about particle physics: Our existence, our entire universe, emerged from things that happened at the smallest imaginable scale. The big bang theory tells us that the known universe once had no dimensions at all—no up or down, no left or right, no passage of time, and laws of physics beyond our vision.
How does an infinitely dense universe become a vast and spacious one? And how is it filled with matter? In theory, as the early universe expanded, energy should have condensed into equal amounts of matter and antimatter, which would then have annihilated each other on contact, reverting to pure energy. On paper, the universe should be empty. But it’s full of stars and planets and charming French villages and so on. The LHC experiments may help physicists understand our good fortune to be in a universe that grew with just enough more matter than antimatter.

9 Big Announcements Google May Make

1. Google is all set to host its annual developer’s conference -- Google I/O 2016 . Scheduled to take place on May 18 to 22, the event will showcase all the cool stuff that Google's developers have been working on for the past 12 months as well as set the agenda for the rest of the year.   
      I/O 2016 will kick off with the keynote by Google CEO Sundar Pichai. Here are the major announcements Google is expected to make at this year's I/O.
     2.    Google has already revealed some details about the next Android operating system dubbed Android N, so the OS will surely not be the main highlight of the event. But we definitely expect Google to reveal more details about the mobile OS.  Android N will add better multi-tasking support, a revamped notification panel, optimize battery life, improve native file manager, Quick Settings among other


     3.  Google is not launching an improved Google Cardboard rip off. The company is likely to launch a standalone virtual reality headset called Android VR.
The headset was first revealed in the preview of the latest Unreal gaming engine.

However, according to reports, Google's upcoming VR headset will not be as powerful as VR headsets from HTC and Oculus.

     4.  Google might announce its long-rumored plans to merge Chrome OS with Android. Rumors have it that Google might offer a glimpse into its Frankenstein project at Google I/O 2016.
And also, the search giant is also speculated to open its Google Play store to Chrome OS as well. This means users can access Android apps on Chrome books.

    5.   Google usually announces its offerings for YouTube at separate events, like it did with YouTube Red or YouTube Music. 
However, rumours have it that Google might launch a TV service called Unplugged at Google I/O 2016.

The new service will offer live TV channels like ESPN, Fox News among others.

     6.  Google is reportedly working on a competitor to Amazon's echo. Amazon Echo personal assistant is a wireless speaker and voice command device.
It has a 9.25-inch (23.5 cm) tall cylinder speaker with a seven-piece microphone array.

Google might include support for Ok Google and search capabilities on its Echo alternative dubbed as Chirp.

     7.   Google is expected to throw more light on its project involving modular smart phones dubbed Project Ara. Rumors have it that Google might announce a Project Ara-related device.

     8.  After Microsoft and Facebook showing interest in bots and how they will shape the future of machine and human interaction, Google is also expected to do the same. Like Microsoft announced bots for Skype, nothing stops Google too from adding bots to its Hangouts or Drive.

     9.  Google has just announced that its in-car operating system Android Auto is coming to India and 17 other countries. It is expected Google will have more to talk about Android Auto at the upcoming I/O event.
Google's Android Auto competes with Apple's in-car system CarPlay. Both CarPlay and Android Auto allow voice commands to be turned on with a touch of a steering wheel button.


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क्या ऐसा संभव है कि जब आप किताब को सीधा पढ़े तो
रामायण की कथा पढ़ी जाए और जब उसी किताब में लिखे
शब्दों को उल्टा करके पढ़े तो कृष्ण भागवत की कथा सुनाई दे।
जी हां, कांचीपुरम के 17वीं शदी के कवि वेंकटाध्वरि रचित
ग्रन्थ राघवयादवीयम् ऐसा ही एक अद्भुत ग्रन्थ है। इस ग्रन्थ
कोअनुलोम-विलोम काव्यभी कहा जाता है।
पूरे ग्रन्थ में केवल 30 श्लोक हैं। इन श्लोकों को सीधे-सीधे
पढ़ते जाएँ, तो रामकथा बनती है और विपरीत (उल्टा) क्रम में
पढ़ने पर कृष्णकथा। इस प्रकार हैं तो केवल 30 श्लोक, लेकिन
कृष्णकथा के भी 30 श्लोक जोड़ लिए जाएँ तो बनते हैं 60
श्लोक। पुस्तक के नाम से भी यह प्रदर्शित होता है, राघव
राम) + यादव (कृष्ण) के चरित को बताने वाली गाथा है
राघवयादवीयम। उदाहरण के तौर पर पुस्तक का पहला श्लोक हैः

वंदेऽहं देवं तं श्रीतं रन्तारं कालं भासा यः
रामो रामाधीराप्यागो लीलामारायोध्ये वासे

अर्थातः मैं उन भगवान श्रीराम के चरणों में प्रणाम करता हूं जो
जिनके ह्रदय में सीताजी रहती है तथा जिन्होंने अपनी पत्नी
सीता के लिए सहयाद्री की पहाड़ियों से होते हुए लंका जाकर रावण का वध किया तथा वनवास पूरा कर अयोध्या वापिस लौटे।

सेवाध्येयो रामालाली गोप्याराधी भारामोराः
यस्साभालंकारं तारं तं श्रीतं वन्देऽहं देवम्

अर्थातः मैं रूक्मिणी तथा गोपियों के पूज्य भगवान श्रीकृष्ण के
चरणों में प्रणाम करता हूं जो सदा ही मां लक्ष्मी के साथ
विराजमान है तथा जिनकी शोभा समस्त जवाहरातों की शोभा हर लेती है।
राघवयादवीयम के ये 60 संस्कृत श्लोक इस प्रकार हैं

 राघवयादवीयम् रामस्तोत्राणि
वंदेऽहं देवं तं श्रीतं रन्तारं कालं भासा यः
रामो रामाधीराप्यागो लीलामारायोध्ये वासे

सेवाध्येयो रामालाली गोप्याराधी भारामोराः
यस्साभालंकारं तारं तं श्रीतं वन्देऽहं देवम्

साकेताख्या ज्यायामासीद्याविप्रादीप्तार्याधारा
वाराशावासाग्र्या साश्वाविद्यावादेताजीरापूः
राधार्यप्ता दीप्राविद्यासीमायाज्याख्याताकेसा


कापिवानघसौधासौ श्रीरसालस्थभामका

नामहामक्षररसं ताराभास्तु वेद या

तां समानधरोगोमाननेमासमधामराः

यन् गाधेयो योगी रागी वैताने सौम्ये सौख्येसौ
तं ख्यातं शीतं स्फीतं भीमानामाश्रीहाता त्रातम्

तं त्राताहाश्रीमानामाभीतं स्फीत्तं शीतं ख्यातं
सौख्ये सौम्येसौ नेता वै गीरागीयो योधेगायन्

मारमं सुकुमाराभं रसाजापनृताश्रितं
तेन रातमवामास गोपालादमराविका
तं श्रितानृपजासारंभ रामाकुसुमं रमा

रामनामा सदा खेदभावे दया-वानतापीनतेजारिपावनते
कादिमोदासहातास्वभासारसा-मेसुगोरेणुकागात्रजे भूरुमे

मेरुभूजेत्रगाकाणुरेगोसुमे-सारसा भास्वताहासदामोदिका
तेन वा पारिजातेन पीता नवायादवे भादखेदासमानामरा

सारसासमधाताक्षिभूम्नाधामसु सीतया


यात्तमन्युमताभामा भयेतारभसागसा

यालतावृद्धसेवाकाकैकेयीमहदाहह १०

सासदाननकामेराभामाकोपदवानता १०

भास्वरस्थिरधीरोपहारोरावनगाम्यसौ ११

होदरादत्रापितह्रीसत्यासदनमारवा ११

यानयानघधीतादा रसायास्तनयादवे
सागताहिवियाताह्रीसतापानकिलोनभा १२

वेदयानस्तयासारदाताधीघनयानया १२

यानगातभरद्वाजमायासीदमगाहिनः १३

हह साहमहोदारदार्वागतिधुरागिरा १३

यातुराजिदभाभारं द्यां वमारुतगन्धगम्
सोगमारपदं यक्षतुंगाभोनघयात्रया १४

यात्रयाघनभोगातुं क्षयदं परमागसः
गन्धगंतरुमावद्यं रंभाभादजिरा तु या १४

दण्डकां प्रदमोराजाल्याहतामयकारिहा
ससमानवतानेनोभोग्याभोनतदासन १५

नसदातनभोग्याभो नोनेतावनमास सः
हारिकायमताहल्याजारामोदप्रकाण्डदम् १५

तं द्रुसारपटोनागानानादोषविराधहा १६

जम्भकुण्ठकरादेवेनोज्ञानदरमारसः १६

समानर्दमारामालंकाराजस्वसा रतम् १७

तं रसास्वजराकालंमारामार्दनमासन
सहितोनवनाकेकं हातापारकमागसा १७

तां गोरमदोश्रीदो विग्रामसदरोतत
वैरमासपलाहारा विनासा रविवंशके १८

केशवं विरसानाविराहालापसमारवैः
ततरोदसमग्राविदोश्रीदोमरगोसताम् १८

सहसाहवधारोविकलोराजदरातिहा १९

यानसेरखगश्रीद भूयोमास्वमगोद्युगः १९

हतपापचयेहेयो लंकेशोयमसारधीः
राजिराविरतेरापोहाहाहंग्रहमारघः २०

धीरसामयशोकेलं यो हेये पपात २०

हासहायजनासीतानाप्तेनादमनाभुवि २१

ससरागिरिहारीहानोदेवालयकेटता २१

चारुधीवनपालोक्या वैदेहीमहिताहृता २२

हानकेहकुधीराशानाकेशादकुमारभाः २२

तंरुमामहितोपेतामोदोसारज्ञरामयः २३

जोयुवाघनगेयोविमाराभोदयतोरिहा २३

तंहतामरसाभक्षोतिराताकृतवासविम् २४

तं हरोपदमोदासमावाभातनुभानुभाः २४

राजिरावणरक्षोरविघातायरमारयम् २५

यं रमारयताघाविरक्षोरणवराजिरा
निजभासुरदारोपजालबद्धरुजासहम् २५

तंसमारुतजंगोप्ताभादासाद्यगतोगजम् २६

हस्समारसुशोकेनातिभामागतिरागसा २६

वीरवानरसेनस्य त्राताभादवता हि सः
तोयधावरिगोयादस्ययतोनवसेतुना २७

सहितावदभातात्रास्यनसेरनवारवी २७

चारुभूतनुजोरामोरमाराधयदार्तिहा २८

सहितोहिमदीभेसुनाकेलंसहसारिहा २८

रावणारिक्षमेरापूराभेजे हि ननामुना २९

कापिसारसुसौरागाराकाभासुरकेलिना २९

निजदेपरजित्यास श्रीरामे सुगराजभा ३०

गौरभानघमाक्षामरागासारमताग्र्यसा ३०

इति श्रीवेङ्कटाध्वरि कृतं श्री राघव यादवीयं समाप्तम्

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